Chemistry Week #8 The diet suggestions in PH Balance & Thoughts on class discussions

The diet suggestions in pH Balance: Acids & Alkalis & Anti-Oxidants Dietary lifestyles can alter our systemic PH balance over time. Ideally, our blood pH should be between 7.35-7.45, which is considered neutral. Anything less than 6 is highly acidic, while anything over 8 is more on the alkaline side. Keeping a neutral blood pH is critical for a number of reasons. Acidic blood can lead to serious health conditions, such as kidney stones, an increased risk for cancer, and can also prevent the liver from being able to properly detoxify. Bone density can also be reduced by acidic blood. Here’ a list of common acid foods: Meat Diary Soft drink Alcohol sugar Eggs Processed food Alkaline foods help in countering the risks of acidity and acid refluxes, bringing some sort of relief. Most traditional Indian meals contain alkaline food items to create a balanced diet. If you have been indulging in excessive red meat, processed and junk food, it's about time...