Physics week#2 Uncertainty, causality and weird universe



Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle was first introduced in 1927. This is one of the most important principles of quantum physics.  If we know everything about where a particle is located (the uncertainty of position is small), we know nothing about its momentum (the uncertainty of momentum is large), and vice versa.  We can never simultaneously know the exact position and speed (momentum) of an object because all objects behave like both a particle and a wave at the same time. It can seem difficult to apply it in our daily life because most of the objects we see are too big. Let's keep an open mind. How about remote healing? Healing energy travels remotely instantaneously, and the effects can last longer than the session. Perhaps the principle of uncertainty is everywhere in our lives that we just do not notice.


By definition, causality is the relationship between causes and effects. In classical physics, an effect cannot occur before its cause. However, quantum physics tells us a different story. Basically, both “A causes B” and “B causes A” are simultaneously true. This concept can be a little hard to absorb. However, the more I think about it, the more it makes sense for me. Our past has an effect on our future. But our future consciousness may have a profound way to change our past. Is Time really linear? Maybe the past, the current and the future are all here.

Is the Universe just “weird”?

The universe is weird, the quantum physics is weird. Therefore, quantum physics makes sense to explain a lot of bizarre things in the universe.  We all know that there are many unresolved puzzles, hidden in the deep universe. It doesn't matter how hard we try, they stay unsolved. Some of these secrets can be explained through principles in the quantum world. 

It seems like that the universe is governed by quantum rules which are so odd to us. What's so weird about us?


  1. Hi Sherry! Appreciate you discussing uncertainty with speed and momentum of objects, I haven't thought or really read about it in this light and reading your entry is helpful! You are totally right too, most of the objects we see are too big!

    P.S. I think all of us humans are incredibly weird! :D


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