Physics week#3 Synchronicity and Connectivity

 Evidence for synchronicity 

According to Carl Jung, synchronicity is a causal connection of two or more psychic and physical phenomena. There are so many signs of synchronicity in our lives, but we just don't pay attention to them. We are sometimes too stubborn from our point of view and cannot see the whole picture. DaLai Lama said: “I am open to the guidance of synchronicity, and do not let expectations hinder my path.” Amazing coincidences happen all the time. Are they just the random chance, or true meaning? It depend on whether or you believe in it. As I really open up to it, I see so many signs of synchronicity in my life. When I suddenly think about an old girlfriend, then get a text message from her soon after.  I sing a song in my head, and someone walks past me singing the exact one. One more interesting example was the presence of the crane. A couple of years ago, I was suddenly attracted to a song that was popular in my college years. Sadly, the artist passed away shortly after the song was written. I found myself somehow established a profound connection. It seemed as though I could feel how he felt when the song was sung. One day after my energy healing session, the healer told me that she saw a crane outside the window, wandering for a long time. I did not make the connection right away. Then later I discovered that the crane is a symbol of immortality and the messenger of the spiritual realm. I would like to share an inspiring quote from Rumi, ''As You Start To Walk On The Way, The Way Appears.’'


I believe that everything is energy. The sky, the ocean, the plants, the animals, human beings, even our thoughts and feeling are energy. It's all connected, too. In the quantum world, everything is entangled. Space may be the thing that connects everywhere. Space can be as small as atoms, but also as large as galaxies. If we all are space, then everything is interconnected.


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