Chemistry Week#3 Thoughts on Green Chemistry & A clean alternative fuel


Thoughts on Green Chemistry 


Chemistry is the study of matter, and “green chemistry” is the design of chemical products and processes that reduce or eliminate the use or generation of hazardous substances. I appreciated that the 12 principles of green chemistry offer a clear set of important guidelines for development in this area. In my opinion, it is critical to cut down the pollution at its source. I am pleased that the “prevention” is at the top of the list. Thanks to the principles of green chemistry, scientists and engineers are making great strides towards making the process simpler, cleaner and more effective. We have seen a great deal of these applications in everyday life, such as renewable energy, eco-friendly dry cleaning of clothes, Solutions to Turn Turbid Water Clear, Solar Water Heater, Wind Generator, etc. Our good intentions have led to this significant movement in science. It is the rise of our awareness that brings forth green chemistry. 

Hydrogen, a “clean alternative fuel” 

It catches my attention right away when I hear that hydrogen can be a clean alternative fuel. That's an excellent idea! We already have so many environmental issues, trying to eliminate harmful emissions is so attractive.  Hydrogen is not a source of energy as gasoline is. It is a carrier, like a battery, but clean. There are so many problems with the traditional batteries. Hydrogen is considered as a clean energy carrier, similar to electricity and can be produced from renewable energy and nuclear energy. I can see how that will reduce oil dependency and greenhouse gas emissions in the long term. Currently, hydrogen is mainly used as fuel in NASA spaceships. The hydrogen fuel cells power the electrical systems. The only waste from this process is the pure water that can be used by the crew. How great that is! Although there are technical and cost issues , there is no doubt that hydrogen may be a clean alternative fuel. I hope that in the near future, it will be our main energy carrier. And non-polluting fuel can be used extensively in our cars, to heat our homes, provide power, etc. 


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