Chemistry Week#4 The colors of food in my kitchen and thoughts on eating the rainbow


The colors of food in my kitchen 

My kitchen is full of colorful foods, yummy!

Red Tomatoes, Cherries, apples

Orange Carrots, Sweet potatoes, Oranges

Yellow Potatoes, Corn, Pepper, Banana

Green Spinach, Broccoli, Cucumbers, Avocado,  

Blue: blueberry

Purple: Eggplants, purple Onions, blackberry

White: garlic, onion, cauliflower, lotus seeds

Thoughts on eating the rainbow

Eating a rainbow is a really interesting topic. This idea is brilliant! We have western science behind it, with different nutrients in different colors of vegetables and fruits. Moreover, TCM also provides the color approach on this subject. The theory of the five elements forms the basis of Chinese medicine. Wood, fire, earth, metal and water are the fundamental components of the universe. Wood element is green and associated with the spring; Fire element is red and associated with the summer; Earth element is yellow and associated with the late summer; metal element is white and associated with the autumn; water element is black and associated with the winter. Many foods are the same color as the seasons, like red watermelon in summer, corn in autumn. It is recommended to have fresh fruits and vegetables in season.


  1. Hi Sherry, thank you for this useful information! I'm going to try to remember as much of that table as possible. I am also still trying to memorize the Five Elements associations with seasons and colors, so this is helpful to see it written out. Before this class I had not thought of the idea of eating the foods that are associated with the color/season of the Five Elements.
    Just one question - how do you use the lotus seeds? I would love to know if you have a recipe!
    Thank you,

  2. I put lotus seeds in soups, all sorts...

    1. I love lotus seeds! I was wondering the same thing... especially because I love lotus root! You inspire me to get some to cook.

  3. I love lotus root! I eat it for its calming properties/ heart and literally feels like I calm down when I eat it!! Relaxing with Netflix/a book and lotus root slices is one way I enjoy winding down. Sometimes hard to find nice quality with no discoloration or bruising. Yet to try seeds in cooking.. but now I want to try :) , Thank you Sherry! Such a colorful kitchen :)

  4. This is Stephanie by the way, not sure why my name didn't post :)


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