
Showing posts from May, 2021

Chemistry Week#4 The colors of food in my kitchen and thoughts on eating the rainbow

  The colors of food in my kitchen  My kitchen is full of colorful foods, yummy! Red Tomatoes, Cherries, apples Orange Carrots, Sweet potatoes, Oranges Yellow Potatoes, Corn, Pepper, Banana Green Spinach, Broccoli, Cucumbers, Avocado,   Blue: blueberry Purple: Eggplants, purple Onions, blackberry White: garlic, onion, cauliflower, lotus seeds Thoughts on eating the rainbow Eating a rainbow is a really interesting topic. This idea is brilliant! We have western science behind it, with different nutrients in different colors of vegetables and fruits. Moreover, TCM also provides the color approach on this subject. The theory of the five elements forms the basis of Chinese medicine. Wood, fire, earth, metal and water are the fundamental components of the universe. Wood element is green and associated with the spring; Fire element is red and associated with the summer; Earth element is yellow and associated with the late summer; metal element is white and as...

Physics Week#4 The famous E=mc2, four forces, and function of gravity

  How has e=mc2 affected you? E=mc2, Energy = mass x (speed of light)2,  probably is the most famous equation in the world. It has many effects on us. E=mc2 is at work all the time. When I listen to podcasts, my iPhone drains the battery to produce energy in the form of sound waves by converting the battery mass into energy. When I drive my SUV, the engine burns gasoline to produce energy in the form of motion by converting the gasoline’s mass into energy. We can come up with a lot of examples.  How would you compare the four “forces”? In physics, there are four fundamental forces of nature. They are gravity, electromagnetism, the weak nuclear force and the strong nuclear force. Even we may not realize them, we experience these four interactions every day. Gravity acts between two masses. Although every object in this universe applies this force on all other objects, this is the weakest force. Electromagnetism is the combined impact of electromagnetism and magnetism. It p...

Physics week#3 Synchronicity and Connectivity

 Evidence for synchronicity  According to Carl Jung, synchronicity is a causal connection of two or more psychic and physical phenomena. There are so many signs of synchronicity in our lives, but we just don't pay attention to them. We are sometimes too stubborn from our point of view and cannot see the whole picture. DaLai Lama said: “I am open to the guidance of synchronicity, and do not let expectations hinder my path.” Amazing coincidences happen all the time. Are they just the random chance, or true meaning? It depend on whether or you believe in it. As I really open up to it, I see so many signs of synchronicity in my life. When I suddenly think about an old girlfriend, then get a text message from her soon after.  I sing a song in my head, and someone walks past me singing the exact one. One more interesting example was the presence of the crane. A couple of years ago, I was suddenly attracted to a song that was popular in my college years. Sadly, the artist passed...

Chemistry Week#3 Thoughts on Green Chemistry & A clean alternative fuel

  Thoughts on Green Chemistry    Chemistry is the study of matter, and “green chemistry” is the design of chemical products and processes that reduce or eliminate the use or generation of hazardous substances. I appreciated that the 12 principles of green chemistry offer a clear set of important guidelines for development in this area. In my opinion, it is critical to cut down the pollution at its source. I am pleased that the “prevention” is at the top of the list. Thanks to the principles of green chemistry, scientists and engineers are making great strides towards making the process simpler, cleaner and more effective. We have seen a great deal of these applications in everyday life, such as renewable energy, eco-friendly dry cleaning of clothes, Solutions to Turn Turbid Water Clear, Solar Water Heater, Wind Generator, etc. Our good intentions have led to this significant movement in science. It is the rise of our awareness that brings forth green chemistry.  ...

Physics week#2 Uncertainty, causality and weird universe

  Uncertainty Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle was first introduced in 1927. This is one of the most important principles of quantum physics.  If we know everything about where a particle is located (the uncertainty of position is small), we know nothing about its momentum (the uncertainty of momentum is large), and vice versa.  We can never simultaneously know the exact position and speed (momentum) of an object because all objects behave like both a particle and a wave at the same time. It can seem difficult to apply it in our daily life because most of the objects we see are too big. Let's keep an open mind. How about remote healing? Healing energy travels remotely instantaneously, and the effects can last longer than the session. Perhaps the principle of uncertainty is everywhere in our lives that we just do not notice. Causality By definition, causality is the relationship between causes and effects. In classical physics, an effect cannot occur before its cause. Ho...

Chemistry week#2: Thoughts on class discussions & Nominee of “Periodic Table Hall of Fame”

  Thoughts on “From lipstick to burgers: how our lives have become so chemical dependent. ” It turned out that petrochemical could be used to make anything. Our homes are saturated with chemicals, such as cooking ware, clothing, cosmetics, cleaning products, etc. Our food is chemical-dependent as well.  And chemicals go into our drinking water! It seems that each time human beings create a solution, and end up becoming a greater problem. We have a better understanding of the problems now, but little has been done. There's no doubt that money plays a critical role here. We camped on a family owned walnut farm last weekend. I was shocked to hear that they only made 2000 dollars last year. It is so difficult for these small farms that are competing with large corporations. Maybe we need to be more conscious of ourselves, our planet and the future.  Na - My  Nominee of “Periodic table Hall of Fame” My Nominee of “Periodic table Hall of Fame” is sodium. I love sodium...

Physics week #1: Bio & The meaning of Time

  Bio I am a first year full-time student at ACCHS since last fall. After spending many years as an engineer, I realized that career achievement could not fulfill my deepest desire. Deeply inspired by the teachings of Yoga and meditation, the wisdom of herb and alternative healing, I decided to follow my dream in the holistic healing arts. Chinese medicine and acupuncture are valuable gifts from our ancestors, and mindful healing modalities that our modern society needs. I am so grateful for this learning opportunity. The Meaning of Time What is time? By definition, it is the indefinite continuous progress of existence and events past, present and future considered as a whole. Time seems real, always moving forward and advances. It has order, duration and sequence.  However, Albert Einstein said, "Time is an illusion. ” According to Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, time is a relative concept and the higher you live above sea level the faster you should age. The only tru...

Chemistry week 1: Bio, Field trip & Concept map

 My Bio I am a first year full-time student at ACCHS since last fall. After spending many years as an engineer, I realized that career achievement could not fulfill my deepest desire. Deeply inspired by the teachings of Yoga and meditation, the wisdom of herb and alternative healing, I decided to follow my dream in the holistic healing arts. Chinese medicine and acupuncture are valuable gifts from our ancestors, and mindful healing modalities that our modern society needs. I am so grateful for this learning opportunity. Field trip: too many household cleaning products  Concept map